
# Add Your First Query

In the previous section you added a message that lets you create new games. However, other than dumping the full storage, you cannot retrieve them yet as there is no query type defined. This section fixes that. You will:

  • Add a query type to retrieve a game by index.
  • Add all the necessary keeper and message server functions.
  • Add CLI commands.

Note that you will only create a query to retrieve a single game, not a list of games, which would also be convenient. This other query is more complex and requires pagination.

# Add a game retrieval query

With the game storage indexed by game index, it is only natural to retrieve games by index. It is time to add a query to let anyone fetch games. You are going to:

  • Create the query type.
  • Compile Protobuf
  • Create a query server next to the keeper.
  • Handle the query.
  • Register the necessary elements in the module.

# The game retrieval object type and Protobuf service

These are defined together in a new file proto/alice/checkers/v1/query.proto:

Copy syntax = "proto3"; package alice.checkers.v1; option go_package = ""; import "alice/checkers/v1/types.proto"; import "google/api/annotations.proto"; import "cosmos/query/v1/query.proto"; import "gogoproto/gogo.proto"; // Query defines the module Query service. service Query { // GetGame returns the game at the requested index. rpc GetGame(QueryGetGameRequest) returns (QueryGetGameResponse) { option (cosmos.query.v1.module_query_safe) = true; option (google.api.http).get = "/alice/checkers/v1/GetGame/{index}"; } } // QueryGetGameRequest is the request type for the Query/GetGame RPC // method. message QueryGetGameRequest { // index defines the index of the game to retrieve. string index = 1; } // QueryGetGameResponse is the response type for the Query/GetGame RPC // method. message QueryGetGameResponse { // Game defines the game at the requested index. StoredGame Game = 1; } proto alice ... v1 query.proto View source

Note that the StoredGame included in the response does not need to include the Index field as it is implicit over the request's lifecycle.

# Compile Protobuf

Since you have defined a new query type and an associated service, you should recompile everything:

Copy $ make proto-gen

In the new (opens new window), you can find type QueryGetGameRequest struct (opens new window) and type QueryServer interface (opens new window). Now you can use them closer to the keeper.

# New query server

Create a new file keeper/query_server.go and take inspiration from minimal-module-example. It needs to:

  • Implement the GetGame function.
  • Return the game if it is found.
  • Return no games and no errors if it is not found.
  • Return an error otherwise.
Copy package keeper import ( "context" "errors" "" "" "" "" ) var _ checkers.QueryServer = queryServer{} // NewQueryServerImpl returns an implementation of the module QueryServer. func NewQueryServerImpl(k Keeper) checkers.QueryServer { return queryServer{k} } type queryServer struct { k Keeper } // GetGame defines the handler for the Query/GetGame RPC method. func (qs queryServer) GetGame(ctx context.Context, req *checkers.QueryGetGameRequest) (*checkers.QueryGetGameResponse, error) { game, err := qs.k.StoredGames.Get(ctx, req.Index) if err == nil { return &checkers.QueryGetGameResponse{Game: &game}, nil } if errors.Is(err, collections.ErrNotFound) { return &checkers.QueryGetGameResponse{Game: nil}, nil } return nil, status.Error(codes.Internal, err.Error()) } keeper query_server.go View source

Note how the response's Game is a pointer. This lets you define it as nil in the case there is no game at the requested index.

With the query server defined, you now need to register it in the module.

# Register the types in the module

Now that you have message types and server, you should register the service in module/module.go. Inspire yourself from what you find in minimal-module-example. The lines were previously commented out:

Copy import ( + "context" "encoding/json" ) ... func (AppModule) RegisterGRPCGatewayRoutes(clientCtx client.Context, mux *gwruntime.ServeMux) { - // if err := checkers.RegisterQueryHandlerClient(context.Background(), mux, checkers.NewQueryClient(clientCtx)); err != nil { - // panic(err) - // } + if err := checkers.RegisterQueryHandlerClient(context.Background(), mux, checkers.NewQueryClient(clientCtx)); err != nil { + panic(err) + } } ... func (am AppModule) RegisterServices(cfg module.Configurator) { // Register servers checkers.RegisterMsgServer(cfg.MsgServer(), keeper.NewMsgServerImpl(am.keeper)) - // checkers.RegisterQueryServer(cfg.QueryServer(), keeper.NewQueryServerImpl(am.keeper)) + checkers.RegisterQueryServer(cfg.QueryServer(), keeper.NewQueryServerImpl(am.keeper)) ... } ... module module.go View source

# Add the CLI commands

At this stage, your module is able to handle queries passed to it by the app. But you are not yet able to craft such a query in the first place. When working from the command line, that crafting is handled by the CLI client. The CLI client usually tells you what queries it can create when you run minid query --help. Go ahead and check:

Copy $ make install $ minid query --help

You can see that checkers is missing from the list of available commands. Fix that by entering your desired command in module/autocli.go. Taking inspiration from minimal-module-example:

Copy ... - Query: nil, + Query: &autocliv1.ServiceCommandDescriptor{ + Service: checkersv1.Query_ServiceDesc.ServiceName, + RpcCommandOptions: []*autocliv1.RpcCommandOptions{ + { + RpcMethod: "GetGame", + Use: "get-game index", + Short: "Get the current value of the game at index", + PositionalArgs: []*autocliv1.PositionalArgDescriptor{ + {ProtoField: "index"}, + }, + }, + }, + }, ... module autocli.go View source

Note that the get-game in "get-game index" is parsed out and used as the command in the minid query checkers get-game command-line.

# Test again

Back in the minimal chain, compile to see the command that was added:

Copy $ make install

Now, you should see the get-game command:

This time, adding a query did not change your genesis or storage, so you do not need to re-initialize. Start it:

Copy $ minid start

Now query your previously created game:

Copy $ minid query checkers get-game id1

This returns:

Copy Game: black: mini16ajnus3hhpcsfqem55m5awf3mfwfvhpp36rc7d board: '*b*b*b*b|b*b*b*b*|*b*b*b*b|********|********|r*r*r*r*|*r*r*r*r|r*r*r*r*' index: id1 red: mini1hv85y6h5rkqxgshcyzpn2zralmmcgnqwsjn3qg turn: b

Try to get a non-existent game:

Copy $ minid query checkers get-game id2

This should return:

Copy {}

Confirm this returned without any error:

Copy $ echo $?

This returns:

Copy 0

# Conclusion

You have started creating the first elements of a simple checkers blockchain, one where it is possible to create, and recall, games.

Compared to earlier versions, Cosmos SDK v0.50 allows you to create modules in a more modular and concise way.

If you still want to reduce the amount of work to do, in a way reminiscent of on Rails environments, you can use Ignite CLI. This is what you can learn in the next sections, where Ignite CLI is used to quickly create a checkers blockchain at an earlier (0.45) version of the Cosmos SDK.